Advice for our Daughters

What every mom wants to say about their daughter, “I am so proud of my daughter!   She is so happy living the life she set herself up for!  She made such great choices while growing up and is living the life she dreamed about now!”

We all have the same goal, we want our daughters to live a happy wonderful live!  We want to teach them to be confident, responsible, independent, caring and smart young women.    I created this site to have a place to go for a collection of a words of wisdom or life lessons to pass on to them when they need it most, during their teenage years and early twenties.  The special time when they are trying to make a place for themselves in this world, they need advice, words of encouragement and knowledge to help make responsible choices!

I feel I have a unique perspective to offer as I’m blessed to be a mom of two wonderful teenage daughters, and also have been blessed to be able to work part-time in a challenging job,  I was able to spend much quality time with my kids while they are growing up, and also was able to interact with adults and thrive in a wonderful Career.  My last class in my MBA taught me the importance of having a balance in life that I want to share with you.


I’ve been jotting down life lessons for a few years now, and would like to share those with you in hopes of passing on that information to other young women. I’m also hoping you will share your own words of wisdom to this site as well. I found the best ideas come from talking with many people, not just a single source. Let’s all get together and add some advice for our daughters so they will have the opportunity to have a great life!

I’m a mom of two awesome teenage daughters and wanted to give them something they could have to refer to when starting to make decisions for them selves that will have impact on the quality of life they are setting up for themselves.  I compiled these notes and gave it to them in the form of an album that they absolutely loved!  I’m hoping you’ll be able to do the same for your daughter as well.

I’ve organized this site to give advice for daughters then into the basic categories that I believe everyone needs to make time for daily in their life, they are; Spiritual, Emotional, Intellectual, Work, Physical, Environment. If you spend to much time in one of them and not enough in the others you’ll life will fall out of balance, could start getting stressed out, and thus, might not be leading as happy of a life as you could if your life was more balanced. I’ve added a template to this site for you to use that you can start creating your own legacy for your daughters too. Please check out this tab to access it…


This site has been published with three main goals in mind;
1) To have a central place where all moms can go to give and receive some advice and words of wisdom for our daughters.
2) To kick start you for creating your own letter to your daughter with your advice for them to be happy, which will save you time.
3) To get these letters to your daughters while they are still young women, in their pre-teen, teenage, and 20’s. I’ve found what usually happens is that when mom’s have the time to write letters like this down, their daughters are already out of the house and on their own. This site is here to help you get some really needed information to them now, while they are so impressionable and are setting up the foundation for the rest of their lives!

Let’s help all the young women out there make their best life possible!

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